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Let’s Go Hiking!
Calling all Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors! Let’s take a hike!
This troop event is designed to help young Girl Scouts and their troop leaders become more familiar with hiking. Each troop will be paired up with one of our outdoor experts to lead you along the way. We’ll incorporate Leave No Trace and a few other best practices and/or outdoor skills in our time together. We will also send more information (like items to bring, etc.) after registration deadline.
This is a troop event. Troop Leaders must have Beyond the Meeting training and follow all guidelines for day trips outside the regular troop meeting, which includes permission slips, green sheets, girl/adult ratio, and a first aider.
A few related badges and patches:
GSEOK’s Bronze Boot
GSEOK’s Outdoor Skills Patch Program
Make the World a Better Place petal
Eco Learner
Eco Friend
Outdoor Adventurer
Eco Camper
Staying Fit
Contact E-mail
$5.00 per Girl Member